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Last Updated:
9/22/2024 10:30 PM
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Animal Success Stories

Happy Tales

Every one of these Dachshunds has been rescued by an angel...

Harley's Brave Journey   Harley's Story is a great inspiration to AADR because it shows that no matter how desperate the situation, saving one life makes the ultimate difference. DeeAnn, Harley's foster mom, has included her personal account with Harley's amazing story and where he is now.Harley was found homeless and sick. He only had a 50% chance of survival. Now he is living a life of true happiness and contentment. Read More...

You can also read some of our older Happy Tails stories here

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Oktober is doing great!! She loves to stay warm under her blanket all day!
Her and our Bama love each othe . Sent some pics! Thanks for all you all do and it was a pleasure working with y'all.

Otis #4....MD

He's being pretty good with his potty training now. He still submissive pees. But now usually in the morning (we pick him up to go down the stairs but for some reason he hates going down, even in our arms, so when we pick him up to go downstairs, he pees. I think in the morning though, he just can't hold it. So I decided before I even get out of bed, I scoop him up and take him out before he knows whats going on and doesnt have any time to get afraid. .. 

We crate him during the weekdays while we are at work and he seriously hated it. I couldnt pick him up, he would cower and clutch his claws in to the ground- we give him treats in the crate but it didnt stop him from ripping the towel we had in there in to shreds! .. Now he seems better with that too. He barks a lot, only in the crate. 

Overall I think he's getting better with everything. He follows me everywhere and when I'm not home (my boyfriend will get home at 12/1pm and let him out of the crate) My boyfriend said he will look all over the house for me. He does this really cute thing where he will go get my shoes by the front door and carry them over to him. He doesn't chew them up or anything. I guess he just smells me on them so he'll pick up all the shoes I have there and drop them in the living room. lol. For some reason, he just isn't as attached to my boyfriend (my boyfriend is jealous lol) but he is warming up to him. He won't let him walk him on the leash when I'm not there but we are just working on everything one by one and trying to be consistent with everything. 

I think I talked to Diane and we put all of her advice to use and I really appreciate the tips. I don't look him in the eye when I pick him up so he doesnt pee, we crate him with treats (I try to leave one of my dirty shirts in the crate so he smells me but that doesn't seem to make a difference), I ignore him when I come in to cure his separation anxiety, he give him little jacks when he potties outside, we crate him during the day, etc. So we are just sticking to those things. 

Today I was picking a ton of tomatoes in the backyard and while I was picking, I turned around and saw that he found a tomatoe on the ground (small like grape tomatoe) and was eating it. Lol. My sister told me though its too much acid for his belly so I shouldn't let him eat that any more. 

I give him Milo's Kicthen treats and Natural Dog food with no corn and chicken as the first ingredient. And we love him up. He sleeps right between us at night and my favorite thing is when I wake up with him. He is so sweet, wagging his tail and rolling on his back. He's so ridiculously cute. My boyfriend loves him so much so while I'm not home, I hope Elvis starts loving him too. lol. 

The vet says he looks good and he's at a good weight. 

So everything is good! Please keep in touch! :) 

Oscar #14...FL

We are so happy with Oscar and he is such a wonderful doxie! He is SO loving and so good and so smart! We love him so very much and are having such a good time playing with him and walking with him and our other adopted doxie, Ruffles. They get along extremely well. Oscar is so loving and would sit with us for hours on end! He is a real cuddler and loves everyone. I am attaching some pictures of Oscar. I have so many pictures, if you want more, let me know. Carol


Thanks for inquiring about Odin. He is doing just great! When I adopted him, he had had prior back issues and was considered a 'special needs' dachshund, but since I've had him he has shown absolutely no back problems at all. I have another dog that is half wire-hair dachshund/half wire-hair terrier and the two of them have become best buddies. They sleep, eat, and play together and love their afternoon walks. I am so thankful that I adopted Odin and I know that he is very happy here in his forever home. Here are a couple of photos of Odin and his 'brother' McDougal (also adopted, Grainger County Humane Society). I have been keeping in touch with Jennie Wood, Odin's foster 'mom', and have sent her numerous photos of Odin and McDougal. She said that Odin looks very happy in his pictures.


Wanted to let you know that Jasper (formerly Oscar8) is doing great! He's fitting in with our family beautifully. He is one of 4 doxies at our house, and also has a cat sibling. He gets along with everybody - he's so easy going and laid back. Not sure if you knew but Jasper is epileptic and prone to seizures, but we are diligent with his meds morning and night and he hasn't had any episodes. He is just the sweetest little guy and such a love buy. We adore him and couldn't imagine our home without him! Here are a few pictures we've taken over the past few months. Thanks again for asking about Jasper -- we hope he loves his new home as much as we love him. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns! Sincerely, Lori

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