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Last Updated:
3/27/2025 2:38 PM
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Surrendering Your Dachshund to AADR

If you need to contact us regarding surrendering a dog -- please email us at allamericandachshundrescue@gmail.com.  We require the following questions be answered for all animals and also we require photos of the animal.  We need three photos, one showing side full body, one head and shoulders and one additional.  Please ensure the animal is clearly visible.  This is critical to our process both for decision and getting the animal listed on our site.  The following questions must be answered:
1.  Include at least two photos (head-shot and full body standing photo).

Have you contacted other rescues and if so which ones(names please)

 2. Is he/she pure bred or a mix?
3.  Why are you surrendering your pet?
4.  Has the dog bitten anyone?
5.  What is the dog's name?
6.  Where is the dog located?  (city and state)
7  How old is the dog?

8. How much does the dog weigh?
9.  How long have you owned it?
10.  Is the dog spayed/neutered?
11.  Is the dog UTD on shots?
12. What is the name and phone number of your vet?

13. Is the dog on heartworm prevention?

14. Does your dog have any medical issues?  Has the dog ever been down in the back?

15. Does your dog have and behavioral issues? ie food aggression, separation anxiety or fear biting. 
16. What condition are the dog's teeth?    Yellow?   Brown?   Missing teeth?
17. Is the dog housebroken?    Crate-trained?    Leash-trained?

18. Is the dog good with KIDS? CATS? Other DOGS???
19. What is your phone number and the best time to call you?

20. Vetting your dog to get him/her ready for adoption is expensive, i.e. shots, neuter/spay, heartworm test, dental, and microchip. Are you willing to help with a donation to get your dog ready for adoption? Remember we survive on donations and adoption fees only.

Thank you.

Additional information to review/consider:  

If you are having to surrender your dachshund because you have to move, please know there are plenty of apartments in every city that will take dogs and cats and we are supplying you with a link to help you find that perfect place so hopefully you don't  to give up your precious dachshund. 

Apartmentlist  Finding your next home should be a delightful process, and we’re building the tools to ensure that happens.Apartment List is now the fastest-growing online rental marketplace in the world. Our Webby-award winning site draws over 2.5 million monthly visits and over 70% of our traffic is mobile!
MyApartmentMap is an apartment search engine that allows users to find apartment listings all over the United States. Searchers can view pictures, maps, rental data, find deals, post rentals and contact property owners. MyApartmentMap also has specific search features for college students, pet owners, and military families.
RentLingo solves the frustrating rental process by not only aggregating information across major sites, but leveraging Facebook’s open graph to show users how they’re connected to the area, specific apartment complexes, and prospective roommates and sublets. While in Beta for less than two months, the site has seen thousands of users and hundreds of active Bay Area roommate profiles created. (allows for filter under the MORE option for dog and cat friendly)
Zumper  a free search platform for home and apartment rentals with over 500,000 active listings across the US (https://www.zumper.com). In addition to a number of other features, we have specific filters for animals in our platform.

The Map for Rentals, Foreclosures, Vacation Homes, Real Estate.  A site that does all of these things. The company boilerplate says "HotPads strives to build the most comprehensive, interactive marketplace of real estate and location-based services, presented with an innovative user interface and a memorable brand." It does a pretty good job living up to that hype."  Advanced filters allow for searching for pet friendly listings.

Zillow Zillow is a home and real estate marketplace dedicated to helping homeowners, home buyers, sellers, renters, real estate agents, mortgage professionals, landlords and property managers find and share vital information about homes, real estate, mortgages and home improvement. We are transforming the way consumers make home-related decisions and connect with professionals.  Advanced filters allow for searching for pet friendly listings.
ApartmentGuide.com  ApartmentGuide.com has the largest inventory of multifamily apartments so users do not have to waste their valuable time looking elsewhere.  Listings update several times per day. The site has interactive maps, HD video, and a variety of other resources that make it an excellent resource.  (Click on More for a drop down that allows you to filter on Pets Allowed!)

(By Listing here, AADR does not endorse the listings nor receive any consideration for the listing.)

Rehoming your dog is a very traumatic experience for your dog.  Dogs bond tightly to their "pack" members (they consider you their pack - their family) and moving them can cause extreme stress, anxiety, behavior problems, depression and some serious health issues.  Please consider seeking advice from us or a trainer for any training issues or a behaviorist for serious problems before putting your furry family member through unnecessary stress and displacement. 

If keeping your pet is absolutely NOT an option we appreciate you doing the right thing for your dog by contacting us.  We have the experience to help you properly and responsibly place your pet into a new home if the pet is deemed adoptable by All American Dachshund Rescue. Please do NOT surrender the dog to a shelter or give the pet to just anyone.  Even the most "well intentioned" family members and friends are not appropriate homes and your dog could end up being recycled over and over in the homeless dog system.  Ultimately this could cause your pet to end up in the street or worse yet the outcome could be fatal for your dog through no fault of it's own.

Responsibly placing your pet through us or another reputable dachshund rescue is the right thing to do even if it takes some time and extra effort on your part.

We do not have a building/shelter... just a limited number of foster homes that are almost always at maximum capacity.  Our foster homes are homes just like yours where there are multiple dogs and sometimes other animals being cared for.  They are homes with working parents with kids and life related things happening at all times just like you.  Please be patient if we do not have space open right away for your dog.   If you can house this animal for a minimum of one month OR until the dog gets a new forever home our chances of helping you are much higher and the dog's stress can be greatly reduced.  If you can do this please read on.  If holding your dog is not an option and you must surrender your dachshund, please e-mail our Intake Coordinator at allamericandachshundrescue@gmail.com

Is an Allergy the Reason You're Giving Up a Pet??

If yes, please review these links in detail before making your decision. You may learn a few things & decide you don't have to give up your pet after all. 

Page one Allergy information
Page two Allergy information


Courtesy Listing Guidelines, revised February 2016

1.  A $75 listing fee must be paid to AADR via Paypal or snail mail.  Dachshund(s) will not be listed on the AADR website until the $75 listing fee and vet records are received. You can pay by Paypal using the e mail address ssdrpurchase@yahoo.com   Please put in the comment section that the payment is for a "listing fee".  

2.  Vet records to include (1) proof of spay/neuter, (2) proof of up-to-date vaccinations, and (3) proof of heart worm testing within the last 30 days must be faxed to 931-359-5581 or mailed with the $75 listing fee to:

516 Woods Ave. N. 
Lewisburg, TN 37091. 

3.  Your dachshund cannot have a bite history.

4.  You can designate the adoption fee for your dog(s), but understand that dachshunds 7 years and younger, must have a fee of at least $150.  Dachshunds 8 years and older must have an adoption fee of at least $100.  The owner keeps all of the adoption fee if the dachshund is adopted.  The $75 listing fee is non-refundable, even if your dog is not adopted.

5.  The adoption fee for a bonded pair (one webpage for both dogs) should be no less than $150.  

6.  All dogs listed on our site must be spayed/neutered.  The only exception that will be considered is for puppies too young for the procedure.  Those will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the AADR Board of Directors.

7.  The owner will notify AADR when the dachshund is adopted so that we can pull your dog's listing from the website.

AGREEMENT  between Owner and AADR – Your dog is spayed/neutered, up to date on shots, on heartworm meds, and has been HW tested within the last 30 days.  

Your pet will be provided with its own web page on our AADR website stating that this is a courtesy listing.  You will provide the BIO write-up and photos for your dog. Your contact information (phone, email or both - your choice) will be provided on the web page so that potential adopters can contact you directly with questions. It is your responsibility to reply to each potential adopter.

All applicants for your dog will fill out an AADR online application. 

AADR will review the application, call the vet to confirm any pets are UTD on shots and HW meds, and contact all personal refs.  Once YOU screen the applicant to be certain this is a good match for your dog, AADR will arrange fora home visit.  

If you decide to approve the family for adoption, AADR will assist with a transport if needed.  You will drive at least one leg of any transport (usually 60-75 miles).  If the transport has to cross state lines, you will provide a Health Certificate from your vet (approx cost $45-60) faxed to our transport coordinator the day before the transport. We can NOT transport without a HC.

No AADR adoption contract will be issued for the adoption of your dog. The collection of an adoption fee and any promises of your dog's health and social history is between you and the adopter.

If your dog is returned by the adopter, the dog goes back to your home, not to AADR.

If you have any additional questions regarding surrendering your dog, please contact the Intake Coordinator at allamericandachshundrescue@gmail.com