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Last Updated:
3/23/2025 1:44 PM
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  Sponsorship Information
Sponsorship Banner_Milo 060118 
You can help us with vet bills, medications and other special needs by sponsoring one of our Sanctuary Dogs.
Not all Dachshunds who come to us are healthy and ready to be adopted.
Some need extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation.
Many times, a foster has been with his or her foster family for months before we can even be put up on the website.
This is because they are not yet ready to be adopted due to surgery, heartworm treatment, emotional rehabilitation, etc.
Sponsoring a Dachshund is a way to help the special ones who have had it even harder than most.
You can choose a specific dog to sponsor and we will send you updates on him/her; or, if you can't choose just one,
make a general donation and it will go to the group's vet bills.
AADR feels that to be a true rescue, we need to help the sick, old and injured dachshunds, not just the homeless ones.
For whatever reason(s) some of these dogs have been in our system for 6 months or more.
The right person has not come along, the dog is too old, medical reasons deter permanent homes, and the list goes on.

If you would like to help in a specific way but you just can't adopt or foster right now,
sponsorship is an excellent way to make a difference in an individual Dachshund's life.

Any donation, no matter how small, means the world to us. Thank you for your continued support!    

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Meet Milo!

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In March of 2017, AADR was contacted by a family about a Dachshund that went down in the back. Surgery was done but with no success. His muscles had atrophied and he was not able to walk but instead dragged his back legs. AADR stepped up and took this boy.  Earlier this year, we lost Sammy.  Sammy had been the face of AADR for many years.  

Rescued from a horrible situation where he was chained and left to drag himself in his own waste, Sammy came into AADR and demonstrated a remarkable heart.  Equipped with a set of wheels, Sammy followed his nose into a many years of getting and giving love.  He would join Wendy, his caregiver at her work.  Sammy represented the power of possibility as he demonstrated to children that being different didn't mean being less.  Despite his dark past, Sammy loved on the children and in return, he was loved on in return.  Early 2019, Sammy crossed over Rainbow Bridge.  

Now, Milo wants to go run and have fun! He's only 6 yrs old and he's a HAPPY boy.
Milo will be Wendy's new companion raising awareness for children that it's ok to be different.
Milo will be the new face of AADR (don't worry, Sammy will always be around, on our pages and in our hearts!).

With Milo, there will be ongoing expenses to provide medical care for him.  
We are hoping some sponsors will step in and provide for his past and future medical expenses.  
Sponsoring Milo will provide a separate fund for his care apart from our ongoing rescue efforts for other Dachshunds.  

Sponsorship Button    

If you prefer to mail a sponsorship donation, please send to:
C/O Scarlet Lancaster
P.O. Box 125
Sheridan, AR 72150

aadr stars and stripes line

Saying goodbye to our Sanctuary dogs:

Dilbert: RIP 2024
Sanctuary_Dilbert_2023 Update

Baby Love_Corrected In Memoriam 2022