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Last Updated:
3/27/2025 2:38 PM
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Page_In Memoriam

We miss you dearly and you will never be forgotten.

This is a page for us to remember the special Dachshunds (and Dachshund lovers) who
have touched our lives and who will always be in our hearts.

Dachshund Lovers know that each Dachshund has a personality all their own and it can not be duplicated.
We know that each one is a precious gift sent to love us, to protect us, to make us laugh on
the good days and to give us kisses on the bad.
They are loyal to their person, braver than a lion, and as gentle as can be to the ones they love. 

 If you would like to donate in memory of a special person or Dachshund who has
touched your life, please email aadrwebmaster@gmail.com with a picture and tribute 
so we can add it on this page and thank you for your donation.

Your gift will go directly to helping another Dachshund find their special forever family.

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2024 In Memoriam_Sammy Robinson

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2023_In Memoriam_Poncio Schnorenberg

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2024 In Memoriam_Banjo Kaelin

All dogs are special, we know that, but if you are really really lucky…in rare instances, one dog will literally grab on to your heart and
soul and live there forever.  For me, that was my dog, Banjo.   

Banjo was rescued by AADR as a puppy.  He had been hit by a car and was given a 50/50 chance at survival for not only one surgery, but two.
He first survived diaphragmatic hernia surgery and healed well enough to, a few weeks later, endure major leg surgery.  Banjo’s leg was broken
in three places at the knee, both hips were broken, and one hip was completely separated from the leg bone.  Thanks to AADR and Dr. Story,
Banjo beat the odds again and survived his second surgery.  He was given the nick name “Miracle Boy” and while he would always have a limp and
some physical limitations, he was ready for his forever home.   

I had followed Banjo’s story on the AADR website and contributed to his medical bills.  His story was heartbreaking yet uplifting.
I couldn’t help but notice that AADR did all that for Banjo but he remained on the site for some time waiting for someone to adopt him.
Finally, I could not watch from afar anymore.  We adopted Banjo in 2009 and he became forever a part of our family.  His gentle and
friendly disposition won the hearts of so many children and adults; all who knew him loved him.  Banjo always seemed to understand
what he had been through and what AADR had done for him and was so grateful.  He appreciated the smallest of life’s simple pleasures or
acts of kindness and demanded nothing in return.  He was undoubtedly the best dog we have ever owned.   

As Banjo approached his 17th birthday, he experienced many medical challenges, most of which he survived.
Unfortunately, Banjo grew tired and pain was setting in and I had to make one of the hardest decisions a pet owner can make.
On March 24, 2024, Banjo crossed over to Rainbow Bridge where he is now able to run and play without pain.
The paw prints he left on so many hearts will remain with us forever.   

Thank you AADR for giving us the blessing of Banjo, our Miracle Boy;  he truly changed our life! 
We think we rescue them, but it’s really them that rescue us. 

-Sharon & Frank Kaelin

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In Memoriam_2024_Hernan Murphy Ortiz 2

Adopted as ‘Thunder’ at 8 months old from AADR on Feb 22, 2009, momma changed his name to Hernan
after the likes of Hernan Cortes the Spanish conqueror.  When he arrived home, he was very skinny and had kennel cough
but did everything he could to please his momma despite being ill.  He was a very sweet and affectionate pup with a soft side.
 He was the first to cuddle up and entertain any new fosters mommy and daddy brought home. Hernan was a BIG eater and he
loved treats. Once when mommy and daddy were gone, he got into the treat closet and ate a huge bag of treats but
didn’t share any with his two siblings.  With his bloated tummy, it was clear who the culprit was.It just so happened that he
was supposed to be fasting for an upcoming vet visit. Momma  said he was the love of her life;
however, daddy called him momma’s little PITA (but everyone knows daddy had a soft spot for little Hernancito!)
Hernan was momma’s ever-present shadow … everywhere that momma went, Hernan was sure to follow.
Every time he went to the vet, Hernan was endearing to the entire staff.  Technicians would stop what they were doing
to come see their adorable bundle of love Hernan.  Towards the end, he conquered blindness,
he conquered deafness, and he conquered loneliness after losing his best buddy and ‘brother’, Diego, 2 years earlier.
It was truly a blessing to have him pass on a beautiful Easter Sunday in 2024 at the age of ‘almost 16 years old’.
We will miss our affectionate little conquistador Hernan.  He’s left a big hole in our hearts!  -Belen Murphy

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2023 In Memoriam_Trenton Ready 2

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2023 IM_Stubby Cooper 2

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2022 In Memoriam_Tiger Paws Mauseth

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Baby Love_Corrected In Memoriam 2022

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2022 In Memoriam_Limo Warner 2

It is with great sorrow I have to announce the passing of the love of my life.  Limo passed very quietly and peacefully
early this morning while being held lovingly in my arms.  My heart is broken and I'll never be quite the same.
He gave me great joy and took care of me for many, many, years.  He taught me all his tricks; I didn't teach him.
He was 18 years old, 3 months and 29 days old.  It was my joy to take care of him the last few years when he needed me most.
This, I willingly did with much joy and happiness.  I wasn’t perfect, but I know I loved him so very much.
As many already know, I put him above friends, family and myself.  I would complete this task with
honor and with no exception.  I would do it again and again and hopefully better each of those times.
My heart is both heavy and the tears still flow.  There is already an empty space left behind in his absence.
I love you and will always miss you my baby boy.  -Scott Warner

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IM 2022_Diego 2

The All American Dachshund Rescue Org asked us to foster one of the dachshunds at the Animal Shelter in Hunstville AL.
We picked Diego who was skin and bones; he had been abandoned at one year old and found as a stray!  
We couldn’t believe our luck; from day one, he showed his fun personality.
After a month with us, we decided to adopt him … we just couldn’t live without him!  Daddy called him “Little Little”;
mommy called him ‘The Little Monster’ or ‘The Earthquake’.  Mommy always thought he looked so small in daddy’s arms.
If momma tried to hold him while daddy was holding him, Diego would try to hide his head in the crux of daddy’s left arm,
essentially letting momma know that he wanted to stay with daddy. 
He always made his presence known with his BIG personality; always inquisitive, alert, smart, anticipative, etc.
Whenever daddy went to get the mail, Diego had to ALWAYS go with him (or at least go outside).
Diego followed Daddy EVERYWHERE… except when it was dinner time and then he stayed with momma in the kitchen to
hopefully get some of whatever it was she was cooking. Diego was what momma called “SPECIAL” and he left us way too soon;
life has been very hard without him and our hearts feel a complete emptiness!! Diego … we will always love you!!!

-Belen Murphy and Family

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In Memoriam 2022_Scarlet

Scarlet was a cherished 14 year old Doxie who, although loved by her entire family, spent her entire life
idolizing her dad, being most content when she could snuggle beside him on a couch.
She crossed the Rainbow Bridge on May 26, 2022 from the comfort of his arms and was joyfully met by
her 4-legged family members, Fritz, Cosmo, Miko, Justin, Louie, Charlie, Dancer, Goose & Ducky.
Run free, eat lots of treats & languish in the sunbeams sweet girl.
We look forward to seeing you again.
- Sandy Thomas on behalf of her son, Andrew, Scarlet's much loved dad. 

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2022 Memoriam_Eagle Davis

It is with great sadness to inform you that one of your alumni, Eagle Davis (aka Albein),
has passed. He gave us 3 beautiful years together and I will always cherish them.

His buddies in the foursome photo are Patton, Oscar and Pebbles.
All rescues except the blonde, Patton. Eagle copied them and became one of the gang. 

He came to us with his own bed, but he did not go back to it once he
discovered the big bed. That was his favorite spot. 

Eagle didn't use his voice until we had him for over a year. From then on if anybody came
to visit he let them have it. Lol. It was a pleasure to watch his personality
come out along with his Dachshund attitude. 

He will be forever missed.

- Susan Davis

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2022 Memoriam_2 Polly Cortez

Our hearts are hurting for Emily and Wade.
Polly will never be forgotten....
Lisa & Harry George

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In Loving Memory Elizabeth "Liz" Burns,
November 24, 1958- February 26, 2022

I have started many times to write this note Liz;
however, my tears started & today is no different.  
Liz lost her sight secondary to a motor vehicle accident
when she was a young woman; however, it did not stop her.
Liz became a stronger, more independent, and determined person
and made the most of every day.  If anyone ever thought they were
waiting on Liz, they were wrong, because she was leading the way. 
Liz was definitely one of a kind.  She loved Tucson (rescue dachshund),
the outdoors, being a ham radio operator, music, quilting (Yes,
won ribbons), being an inspirational speaker and a prankster.   
Liz had one more passion, it was the love for her husband, Ronnie,
who was always by her side. 
Love always,
Robin & Gail

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Willie Griffin_2 Memoriam 2021

It is with a heavy heart we are writing that Willie crossed over to the rainbow bridge.  
We met Willie on Feb. 13, 2020, at the halfway house and  knew immediately he was
going to be the perfect fit for our family. Willie loved his momma, his sister, and his poppa,
protecting his backyard from the neighbor dog, hiding under blankets, and going for car rides.

He brought so much joy to everyone he met, including a group of neighbor kids
who would come and visit him after school. 

Willie was only with us for a short time, but he gave a lifetime of love to all of us. 
He is with his brother Wally (another AADR alum) and lots of human and
pet companions to keep him company until we all meet again. 
Your family loves you Willie and we are heartbroken you are gone.

Until we meet again, eat all the different foods you want and run free, Willem Defoe.

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In Memoriam_2021 Tootsie

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In Memorian 2021_Lucy Mae Todd
I adopted Lucy (formerly Puppers) from Southern States Dachshund Rescue,
now All American Dachshund Rescue, in 2007, when she was 18 months of age.
She and I  instantly bonded and on the ride home, she climbed out of her seat into my lap to snuggle.  

She was funny, smart, beautiful and especially loving.
She loved her toys, and would frequently give them extra shakes or extra squeaks.
I loved her dearly, and my mother was most likely accurate when she said I was Lucy’s favorite person in the
whole world. She and my sister were my favorites.  

Except for a few issues  early on, Lucy had good  health. She last had her teeth cleaned in March 2020
had no decay and no infection, which was good, because Lucy was a “grinner”, and every time she saw someone
she loved, she flashed those beautiful teeth in a big smile. That made my homecoming from any event special,
because I knew she would give me  that huge grin.  

In October 2020, my sister passed away unexpectedly. Lucy sensed how distraught I was,
and would not leave my side. Had I not had Lucy, I don’t know how I could have  handled such a huge loss. 
Sadly, in late spring  2021, Lucy quit smiling. I found a large ulcerated bleeding tumor on her left lower leg
about that time. Because she was already over 15, and there was no margin for removal of the tumor, surgery would not
have helped, except for amputation, if it had not spread. At her age, she most likely would not have made it during surgery.
Lucy passed away peacefully in my arms at 2:33 pm on August 24, 2021.  I know she loved me, and she knew she was loved.  
Thank you, AADR, for introducing  this beautiful sweet girl to me, and for allowing her to be a part of my life and family all these years. 
  - Laura Todd

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Lucy and Lincoln Colson 2021

Our Lucyboots, (Red) Queen of the pillow mountain, sassy perpetual 13 year old has made her way over the Rainbow Bridge. 
Lucy was rescued from Kenton County Shelter - Almost 17 years of love and big personality
is hard to say goodbye to. Thank you Luce for getting me through most of my adult life.
You were (are) so loved.
I will miss your silky ears, and your give-no-shits attitude. It is something I should try and emulate. Thank you sweet girl.  

Lincoln (Black and Tan) came into our lives as a curious young man 4 years ago.  He explored, patrolled, and helped to balance the sense of
order around our house. Lincoln was adopted into our family after having been fostered by All American Dachshund Rescue (AADR).
They informed us that his previous parents had passed away. Because he was the only male dog in a (now) 3 dog household,
he aligned well with Michael (dad) and was often referred to as “Mr. Buddy” or “Mr. Buddy Pants”.
Lincoln’s favorite place in the world was cuddled up next to you under a blanket.  We came to call his blanket; his woobie.  And in the later
years we created a special place for him in the kitchen, underneath the built-in desk, called “his woobie”.
While only our 2nd L (of three “L” doxies) and our first male Dachshund, Lincoln has made a huge impact on our lives. 
Thank you to the AADR team for allowing him to be a part of our lives. 
We love you Lincoln, Mr. Buddy Pants, and hope that you reunite with your family and Lucy across the Rainbow Bridge.

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Rusty Hice May 2021 Memorial
In loving memory of Rusty #9, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on April 16, 2021, at home in the sunshine of the
backyard surrounded by his loving family and friend Kathy.  
Happy Birthday Dearest Rusty!  Today (5/4/2021) you would have been 14 years young.
We miss you so very much our little man.  How truly blessed and grateful we are to have had you in our lives. 
You were so loved my little monkey, and will be held in our hearts forever.
We had the great honor and privilege of being Rusty’s adopted parents for two wonderful years.
Rusty was the best friend anyone could ever ask for.  He brought joy and happiness to every day that we shared together.
Rusty was so full of life and wanted to be included in everything that we did.  He would get so excited when
we put his harness on for the next big adventure.  He loved car rides, exploring local parks, walking trails, and going for hikes in the woods.  
 Rusty was the sweetest boy I’ve ever known.  He loved snuggling under blankets and cuddling
with his loved ones and anybody that would share a lap with him.
To learn more about our very special boy, please see:  https://www.lapoflove.com/pet-memorial/14174
Special thanks to everyone at AADR for everything that you do for these special Dachshunds, who bring such
joy to our lives and teach us so much.  A very special thank you to foster mom, Deanna,
who brought Rusty into our lives.  We cannot imagine life without him. Deana, your love of these dogs is an inspiration and
your AADR adoption bios bring them to life.  Thank you for all that you do!  -Jennifer and Aaron Hice

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2020 In Memoriam_Niko Jack Cassell
In loving memory of Niko Jack Cassell who passed away after a lengthy battle with
cancer and heart failure after 10 blissful years together. He was the best doxie ambassador, helping me
foster 23 other Dachshunds including his brother and best friend, Amp.
Niko was always within my sight: my personal shadow. No closed door could ever separate us. His death won’t, either.
Going through the rescue process with you and seeing you become the dog you were always meant to be,
even at 4-6 years old, was one of the greatest privileges of my existence.
To quote Thoughts of Dog, “the best thing I did. this entire decade. was love you.”
I was never lonely with you and will miss you eternally.

Rest easy my little monster, love boat, love bug, and little prince. Until we meet again.
-Kait Cassell
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Rusty Dog_ Nov 2020_ Amy Lusssetto
Rusty Dog. You were the best buddy, biggest Chief's fan, and most patient friend.
We know you're hanging out with Papa Fred now sitting in the sun.
We love you, Sandy, Brian, Corey, and Cami
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Rest easy, Willy, and know you are forever loved!

Willy Borrego_In Memoriam
I was never a pet person until I laid eyes on you! And, when you became a part of our family, you made us whole.
You taught us the true meaning of unconditional love. Willy, as I sit here with tears streaming down my face
(as they have most of this week), I want you to know how very special you are and
how very loved you always will be. You brought us joy beyond measure and more love
than two people deserve. And so now, after 5,232 days (14 years, 3 months, and 26 days), our time with you
has come to an end. There are simply no words to describe the pain.
You are an amazing fighter - even after being diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure 3 years ago and
Renal Failure 1 year ago, you fought through ALL of that until... you just got tired...
And, although this is the most heart-wrenching thing we have ever done, we knew it was time for you to finally rest.
"How lucky we are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
- Winnie the Pooh
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For Ava

 In loving memory of Ava, who left us much too soon.
She was full of life and adored her Roxie who passed last year.  
We will always remember her as a person who loved life,
laughed out loud and would do anything for anyone.  She will be
missed by all who's lives she touched.  Rest in peace dear friend.
 ~Karen Elefterakis
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Tiger Patterson in Memoriam 2018
At the end of July in 2005, we began sharing our home with Tiger and it was nothing but fun and entertainment from the first moment!  He was always the “life of the party”. He worked his way into your heart and no one could keep from falling in love with him.
He was best friends with his sister and when she passed away, we almost lost him but he was strong and was able to eventually move with us to NYC where he made friends and immediately fit in.
His vet always referred to him as the “Energizer Bunny” because he kept bouncing back from every injury or illness (we joked that we had Platinum Status at the vet!). He owned any situation we put him in and we miss him terribly today.
Thank you to the fine folks at AADR who rescue little angels like Tiger and bring them to lucky people like us.
What a privilege is was to know and love Mr. Tiger!

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RIP Marty.  You were our best friend and most fantastic dog.  
We will love you always.  Thanks for all of the beautiful memories over the past 13 years.  
Our family was so blessed to have adopted and loved you.

Marty Buchanan

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In Memory of Michael C. Perry

 - Leanne Powers 

M.Perry In Memory

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♥ In Memoriam of Mattie  ♥
We adopted Mattie and that moment she welcomed us into her life and we adored her.  She was more of a mommy's girl, but loved me more when it was time to eat.  She loved running up and down the stairs even with her little legs she didn't slowed down.  Very hard to lose someone in your family, and Mattie was a big part of our lives helping us both through good times and bad.  We lost our other one Dee Dee 7 years ago. Now they are together.  We love you both and miss you much. 

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Memorial - Frank
Frank was scattered in El Retiro Park, Madrid, Spain.
"Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in"- Mark Twain.

I said those words and I sobbed. Thought you'd want to see it.
I miss him more than words can say. I put off 8 different cities in two countries.. then we came to our final stop.
He needed to "see" the world. He would have loved peeing in that garden.

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We adopted Harley in Feb 2011. He had been neglected in his former life and arrived at his foster mom's in sad shape. He was underweight by 8 lbs, had a belly hernia, untreated eye infection and was heart worm positive. She had him several months before he was healthy enough to be adopted. We were chosen to be his new parents and how lucky we were! 

We had an older doxie, Oscar, who was getting up in age. Well Mr. Harley took to Oscar like bread and butter! They slept together, rode together in the car; they were best buddies. Harley stole our hearts with his cuddle bug ways, he absolutely thought the best place to be was in a lap or next to you in bed.  He loved to be petted and would bump your hand when you stopped so he could have more. Sadly, we had him for 6 short years.

We will never forget this sweet, silly dog; thank you AADR for all that you do to save the unwanted, unloved dogs.

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We adopted our sweet Cinnie in October of 2011. She was our 4th Dachshund adopted from AADR, and the oldest of the bunch. She had the sweetest face ever. When she looked at you with those soft, brown eyes we just wanted to love on her!! We miss her so much! Our Cinnie girl, wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge! 

Love you always, Mom and Dad

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Cocao Bly


Cocao was our first Dachshund and stole our hearts. 
She is the reason we foster for AADR. She brought so much happiness to our family.  
We miss her and hope to see her again at The Rainbow Bridge. Love you Cocao ❤️
Jan 2004-Jan 2017
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February 16, 2017:  Jack #7, a senior dog I adopted more than 3 years ago passed away yesterday morning. He had been going through renal failure, and he had a massive seizure the doctor said caused irreparable brain damage. I just sent a donation in his memory. Below please find my addition to the Rainbow Bridge page. I'm attaching 2 photos. Thank you so much for facilitating the meeting of me and my best buddy. I have never had a dog like Jack. I will miss him terribly.

The   Sunday   after Thanksgiving, 2013, Jack came into my life. He was bony and skittish, and he would barely let me touch him on the ride home. I didn't know exactly how old he was, but the vet thought he was about 12 when we got him. Over the next three years, we became the very best of pals.  
Jack was cranky and cantankerous and the most loyal dog a person could ever ask for. He loved to run on my parents' farm, bark at me to carry him down the stairs only to bark at me to carry him back up the stairs, and he never met a squeaky toy he didn't like.
I lost Jack on February 15th, 2017. He had a massive seizure early in the morning while sleeping by my bed. When he came to, he had severe brain damage. He died in my arms at the vet's office that morning. 
I knew that adopting a senior dog would be hard. I knew he would need a lot of extra care and that his time with me would be short. I did not know how completely and fully I could fall in love in such a short period of time, however. Jack was my heart animal.

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Pillsbury and Enterprise
Pillsbury & Enterprise: The joy they brought remains forever.


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Miss Daisy
Miss Daisy has crossed Rainbow Bridge and awaits her friends and family joining her.  
This little lady was a southern charm and she is missed by Rolf and Jennifer.  
Jennifer shared a poem with us that reflects the impact this girl had on their lives:
For Daisy
With you our days began and ended in happiness.
In between you shared with us your joy of life.
We watched you unfold.
We watched your light shine brighter and brighter.
We watched you find your voice.
We are so grateful for the short time we had together.
You will be held in our hearts forever.We miss you every day.

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Richard Bennett passed away on 19 October, 2015 at the age of 64. Richard was a lifetime lover of Dachshunds.  He leaves behind his buddy Max (pictured with Richard).  He now has rejoined his buddy Tinker whom he loved dearly.  

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In Memory of Dick Gravino

(Heiner (Ivan) who surely misses his daddy)

In loving memory of dachshund lover Dick Gravino.  Dick and spouse Margit
adopted Heiner, in 2010.  Heiner had been abused and was scared of everything. 
With the love and support of both Dick and Margit, Heiner has flourished into a
wonderful loving dog.  Dick will be very missed by both Heiner and Margit.

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"Buster was his previous name, but we decided to name him Vasco, honoring the conquerer Vasco de Gama, and he was a real one!! He came to our lives in May 2008, and he became a real protector for all of us. He had had a very rough past. H had been abandoned several times and abused before arriving at AADR. He spent a year waiting for adoption, until we saw him and decided to adopt him. We gave him all the love that he never had in his short life. We had the satisfaction that he was happy during his last six years with us and his brothers until he died on the 24th of March 2014. We can definitely note the emptiness in the house........Vasco was a presence, a good one, and one that will be missed.

We love you very much and we light a candle close to your picture every single night and pray!! We hope to see you in the future, just wait for us!!

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Miko Mae

2014 Sandy Thomas Memorial -- MIKO MAE

Rescued from a breeding mill & fostered by my daughter
who soon became Miko's forever mom!!! Miko lived a wonderful life
as queen of the house, ruling over her three canine brothers who are now
sorely missing her. Run & play, sweet girl, eating all the treats you want!!! 

Love you, Mom Amy & Treat Lady Grandma

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Maggie lived a long life and was a great companion to Marybeth and Kathy.
She loved to snuggle under blankets and swim in the pool. She leaves Jesse and Molly to
take care of her Marybeth and Kathy until they all meet again!
Heaven is a brighter place now.

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In Memory of Fudge
Love and miss you
Erin, Ben, Bonnie & Rick



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In loving memory of Linda Robbins, a dachshund loving grandmother. 

Love Audrey Millsaps


 For Andrew Robbins

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In Memory of Sophie Diane

One late night in August of 2006, my daughter called and told me she had sent me a picture of an old dachshund that needed a home. She forwarded me the link to the AADR website with “Poor old Sophie’s” picture and story. Sophie was 13 and had a sad history before being rescued by AADR. I told my daughter that I just didn’t want to take a dog that old with so many issues. At work the next day, I couldn’t get her off of my mind. At the end of that work day, I called Diane Irwin at AADR and began the process of adopting Sophie. I could tell by talking to Diane that Sophie had found a special place in her heart: Thus, Sophie became “ Sophie Diane” once the adoption was complete. 
We picked Sophie up in late September and brought her home. With her 100% dachshund personality, Sophie quickly became the queen of our household and of our hearts. Just as I had expected, there were a lot of issues to work through. What I didn’t expect is how deeply we would fall in love with Sophie and how our only concern would be to make those issues disappear and make the remainder of her life good. In her life before AADR, Sophie had been kept on a hot deck in the Alabama heat with no water. We put water bowls all over our house: never again would sweet Sophie even have to walk far for a cool drink of water. We tried several sleeping arrangements and nothing worked until we put Sophie right in the middle of the “big bed” with us. In time she became incontinent, so we discovered that a medium sized baby onesie would keep her diaper in place. One restless night, we discovered that she loved to be wrapped in her special blanket and rocked to sleep.
 The amazing thing about Sophie was how much she changed from a nervous, restless little girl to a trusting, loving member of our family. She learned to be loved and we learned how rewarding it is to love something that appreciates your affection so much. 
Our precious Sophie Diane passed away on July 25, 2010.  Just as we had prayed, Sophie quietly left “big bed” and crossed over the bridge from a peaceful sleep. 
In closing, I want to thank everyone at AADR for all you do to make unions like ours and Sophie’s possible. Your reach is far greater than you could ever imagine. You reached inside our hearts and placed a gift.

 Thank you,

Sophie Diane’s Forever Family

 Also Donated in Memory of Sophie Diane:
- Candace Bennett
- In Loving Memory of Sophie Diane..... Love, Cindy Jackson
- We Love and Miss you Sophie...... Love,  Poppi, Ann and Amelia


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Ginger, I have been trying so hard for so long to find the right thing to say.  I miss you so much. 
Coming home to see you meant more to me than anything in the world.  16 years was just not enough with my little rhet dog.

Matt Lauffer

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 Chilepupper was our cherished companion for 13 years. He was born in Granada Hills, CA on September 12, 1996 a spunky little black & tan smooth hair "tweenie" who came from a lineage boasting a long line of grand champions and prize winning dachshunds. Although Chile himself was not a show dog, he was the grand champion of our lives. Chile spent the first 8 years of his life in Southern CA where he enjoyed going to the beach & swimming in Malibu & walking through his suburban neighborhood in Burbank. In Oct of 2005 Chile & his dachshund brother Houdini moved with his family to New Orleans, LA & immediately settled into the groove of the Crescent City. He took great pleasure in the warm climate & friendly people he met through the dachshund meetups. He loved going to the Forest Retreat in McComb, MS and to the white sand beaches of Gulf Shores, AL for long weekends and also frequented the occasional neighborhood pub.

Chilepupper was an extremely obedient & loving creature with deep soulful eyes that spoke of his high intellect. He was a founding member of the New Orleans Dachshund Meetup Group "Crescent City Weiners: and additionally was a Hurricane Katrina survivor and a true blue champ who bounced back from multiple illnesses but most importantly he was a constant provider of comfort and love for many wonderful years  to his human & canine family.

To say he will be missed is a huge understatment. 




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Dearest Rufus,

how well we remember your coming home!  Even as a puppy you were a big boy, and you grew up to be
"Rufus Da Huge" beautiful  BIG RED BOY!  You didn't have nearly long enough on this world, but a tragic failure to treat you properly shortened
your precious life here.  You were only 7!  You arrived in our arms, and you died there, too.  In the end so many really good people fought for you,
but even while they were trying, you already had your eyes fixed on that Far Horizen.  Your dad and I so look forward to seeing you at the Rainbow Bridge. 
Now you are finally out of pain.  PLAY HARD until we meet again.
Barbara and Iain Taylor

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In Memory of Rosco

 Love, GM & GF

Kathleen Norrgard
Oxford, MA

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October 2009

Rosco-Leonard was with us for far too short of a time but he was very loved.  He protected the neighborhood from cats, squirrels, and bunnies, and slept under every blanket in the house.  He loved a good belly rub, and was more like a little man than a dog.  We will not be the same without you and think about you every day. We know you are chasing small furry animals in doggie heaven. Love, mom and Chris

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 Nutmeg Hall

November 16, 1992-April 19, 2008

NUTMEG was our beloved girl for almost 16 years. We got her as a puppy, and our kids grew up with her. She went everywhere with us and did everything with us. She was extremely popular everywhere she went. One of her most memorable experiences was running across the finish line with her Dad at the end of an Ironman Triathlon. She went blind from SARDS at age 11. She also developed kidney failure, but ultimately, it was cancerous tumor above her left eye that necessitated her euthanasia. She wasn't eating, drinking, or taking her medications at all, and began having trouble breathing. She was the sweetest little doggie, the greatest example of unconditional love, and our home is extremely empty and void without her enduring presence. She is buried down beside our patio, and will always be remembered. We have adopted another blind Dachshund, SCARLETT, from AADR, and eagerly await her arrival on June 29th.


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In memory of Vick Douglas Pruitt,

December 7, 2007, 
husband to Monica Pruitt by Margaret B. Jay. 


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Donation from Jackie and Gertrude

 in honor of Peanut Butter.

I didn't get Peanut Butter through AADR, but she was a senior doxie I adopted from a puppy mill clearance shelter dump, retired breeders no longer producing.  She was in bad shape, rotted teeth, fleas so bad she was anemic, broken caved in ribs and severe submissive urination.  She was a mess, and after getting her fleas cleared up, all her teeth but three pulled and spayed she became the Queen bee of the house.  Her whole life she would only let a certain 4 people every pick her up without running off, or dropping flat and urinating everywhere.  She was a wonderful dog and I had 5 great years with her, hopefully I will see her again waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge.

Thanks for everything you do to help these wonderful seniors
Jackie and Gertrude
in honor of Peanut Butter

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Thank you to Traci Bourgeois for the donation in memory of Molly.


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Donation for Tyler in memory of Dapper

Milly Houchins


Dapper 0012

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 Mr. & Mrs Ralph Henry

Liverpool, NY

In memory of Mr. Peepers and Rhett (two very special babies)

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In Memory of Daisy Belle and Chili Pepper

 To Daisy, my black and tan smooth female, and Pepper, my "clear red" wire male who lived together in harmony for ten years - you broke my heart when you left me in 2005, two months apart, both dying on your own. Pepper was the victim of auto immune disease at age 10, and Daisy, age 16, died two months later of respiratory failure. You were the best of friends and were my best friends. You slept together, whether in your communal basket bed or at night in my bed. You ate together, played together and were devoted to each other. Daisy, you were the comedian and boss who would shake your head from side to side when you wanted something. Pepper, you were the needy child who always wanted all the attention. You were my heart. When you left a part of me died forever. Because I couldn't stand to be separated from you even in death, you are on my nightstand with urns touching, so that some part of you is still with me. I say good morning, good night, and tell you I love you every day. Daisy, you were the common glue who spanned the generations of all my dogs. You knew Kiki and Pepper I, who were my wire standards. You knew my red Pepper, and you also knew Wigley, our baby now. Pepper, you were the one who always snuggled against both me and Mommy. We called you our little bed bug. May you both rest in peace and may your spirits never leave me in this world or the next.


Memorial for Charlie

In Memory of  my beloved Charlie



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 Rainbow Bridge Prayer
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. 

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,
that special friend goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for them so that they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

 All the animals who had been ill or old are restored to health and vigour;
those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, 

just as we remember them in our dreams of days gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing;
they each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. 

They all run and play together, but the day comes
when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers.
Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over
the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your friend finally meet,
you cling to each other in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. 

The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress that
beloved head and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your trusted companion, 
so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together......"

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To make a donation to AADR In Memoriam, please click the button below. 
Please provide an aadrwebmaster@gmail.com with a picture and anything you would like to
say about your loved one(s) so that we can post it on this page.

Thank you for your donation.  

Your gift will go directly to helping another dachshund find their special forever family.