377 Comstock Rd.
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Last Updated: 3/23/2025 1:44 PM
© 2025 AADR
Animal Success Stories
Happy Tales
Every one of these Dachshunds has been rescued by an angel...
Harley's Brave Journey Harley's Story is a great inspiration to AADR because it shows that no matter how desperate the situation, saving one life makes the ultimate difference. DeeAnn, Harley's foster mom, has included her personal account with Harley's amazing story and where he is now.Harley was found homeless and sick. He only had a 50% chance of survival. Now he is living a life of true happiness and contentment. Read More...
You can also read some of our older Happy Tails stories here
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I registered his chip last week and already received the name tag/ID# tag in the mail. So he's mine, mine, mine. You can't have him back, I say!
We all love him. My husband, Tim, calls him, "My boy!", the kids are pretty sure he likes them best, and even Luigi, our cat, is starting to lounge around near him. (Lui has been a spoiled, only fur family member for 7 yrs and is not quite sure why Poncio gets to go outside but he does not. Some jealousy but no fighting - yaaay!)
Poncio is doing very well with his outside time. He and I are keeping each other on a very good schedule and since he is very treat motivated, he is learning fast! It appears he knew some basic commands, which is nice for communication for all. (I'll never not be impressed that animals actually listen better if a person whispers to them. I wish all people would take that calm approach. But I digress - back to The Little Man!)
He quickly found HIS SPOT. He moved his brand new medium sized dog bed to a specific corner of the dining room and occupies it with ALL 11 lbs. of himself.
Yes, it's true, I now sleep with 2 men. The husband and the dog. Poncio is at ease enough now to burrow, which is good since males have that instinct.
We are working on crate training slowly...a pinch of time a little at a time. This little man has huge anxiety separation. With time, patience and more trust building, we hope he will be ok. Fortunately I'm in an amazing situation to be home more than not, which we hope helps his transition.
We went to the vet for a follow up the week after adoption. All was basically well except a slight infection in one of his pads and lots of ear wax. He received an antibiotic shot for his pad so all red is back to healthy black.)
I would like to add - while I'm sure you all already know - Cherie was wonderful to work with and is a wonderfully loving Doxie foster.
Thanks again. Check in anytime.
7/26/2018 -- Happy Gotcha Day to AADR alum Sadie! Eight years ago today sweet Sadie went to her forever home. You are looking so happy Sadie and we are sending many hugs your way!
Max #1 and Bella #1 in IN (Bonded Pair)
I brought these 2 home to foster from the Halfway House picnic April of 2017. They stole my heart and became very much loved members of our family! Max and Bella.... 2 more rays of sunshine in my life! Thank you AADR!!!!
Dot in TN
I have been meaning to send you a few pictures of Lolli (aka Dot) She and my mom's dog get along really well. All is well here. She has adjusted very well and seems happy. She probably needs a hair cut but we are going to wait til spring for that when it's a little warmer. Thank you for approving us to adopt her! We all love her very much! Teresa
Edward in AL
Edward came into AADR in a bad way. Poor boy lost and eye after coming into rescue due to an existing condition, then suffered an episode of IVDD... Still, this guy's tail never stopped wagging and he just kept loving on people who would pay attention to him. We were all so excited when he got his very own forever home. He even has a fur sister Ginger! This is what we heard from his mom Kerri:
"Sorry for the massive number of pics of little Edward, but he is so precious in them and I’m hoping you’ll put some on your website if happy adoption takes. Thanks again for sending me the love of my life"!
We couldn't post all of the pics, but this one shows the heart and soul of this boy (front) sharing a bed and staying warm in the winter with Ginger!
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