377 Comstock Rd.
Shelbyville, TN 37160
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Last Updated:
3/28/2025 7:32 AM
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Membership Information

There are many ways you can help us!  
One way is through Membership!

AADR welcomes dachshund lovers who want to work with us.  There's nothing that can quite compare to seeing a dog happy in a new home and knowing that you've had a part in the "happy tale."   

What our members do?

     pawbullet Help with local rescue events such as adoption days and fairs 
     pawbullet Foster dogs waiting on forever homes
     pawbullet Pick up dogs from shelters or owners who are surrendering
     pawbullet Help with transports
     pawbullet Participate in fund raising activities such as our online auctions, silent auctions, etc.
     pawbullet Join our imembers only facebook page to share advice, joys and challenges
     pawbullet Receive tremendous satisfaction!

Our membership fee is $25 per year.  This fee is used for rescue expenses which are mainly comprised of veterinary fees for rescued dogs.  100% of money raised is used for the dachshunds.

If you are interested in joining our great team please fill out a membership application or contact us at AllAmericanDachshundRescue@gmail.com.
Pay your membership dues via PayPal


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ThunderWorks Donation Form