377 Comstock Rd.
Shelbyville, TN 37160
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Last Updated:
1/7/2025 11:42 AM
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Animal Success Stories

Happy Tales

Every one of these Dachshunds has been rescued by an angel...

Harley's Brave Journey   Harley's Story is a great inspiration to AADR because it shows that no matter how desperate the situation, saving one life makes the ultimate difference. DeeAnn, Harley's foster mom, has included her personal account with Harley's amazing story and where he is now.Harley was found homeless and sick. He only had a 50% chance of survival. Now he is living a life of true happiness and contentment. Read More...

You can also read some of our older Happy Tails stories here

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 Loveable little bugger. Still obsessed with toys, but she cuddles, too. Gets along fine with Riley. Pics are playing with her favorite ball, guarding the laundry basket, and peeking up from her toy box.

Coco #5...WV
Coco #5...WV

We absolutely LOVE her!  She fits in so perfectly.  She and Oliver are best friends.  I wish I had better pictures, but my phone is horrible.  I will get some good ones soon!  She is so playful and she has even slimmed down a bit!  Thank you all SO MUCH for helping us find this amazing little girl!  :)


Callie means beautiful in Greek, so she is my 'Callie baby' :)  one pic is of her 'begging' my son for a 'bite' of his supper(which is a 'no-no'), her curled up in her doggie bed, which she uses during the day, and one of her cute little face.  Hope you enjoy the pictures, I sure do enjoy her, I'm so glad my youngest son and his wife told me about your site.....they live in Crossville, Tn, and that is how I learned about your organization...what a great job you do for these little furry friends, thank-you :)
 Jackie (a very happy new mommy)


I renamed Ivy, Harley. She's good! Making progress on house training. Her and my first dachshund Sammy are also making cohabitation progress... they can sit next to each other without immediately running away~ though they still prefer private play or chewing over playing together. 


Harley is a good swimmer! She loves following Sammy on nature walks and visiting my family's lab and exploring their yard. 

Snooki aka Lady in TN
Snooki aka Lady in TN

She is doing well. Still extrememly shy, but cuddles with me most of the night.  Walks are her favorite thing - she really perks up and makes little noises as we walk.  We go for 3 -4 1/2 mile walks a day.

Everyone that meets her comments on what a beautiful Lady she is.  We are now calling her Lady.  I want everyone who meets her to know how she expects to be treated.  Her favorite "hide-out" is the loft where my office is.  She loves being able to look down on activity in the family room and I have several pictures with her on the stairs and looking down.

Thank you for the wonderful work you all do to rescue these beautiful folks.


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