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Last Updated:
3/28/2025 7:32 AM
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Animal Success Stories

Happy Tales

Every one of these Dachshunds has been rescued by an angel...

Harley's Brave Journey   Harley's Story is a great inspiration to AADR because it shows that no matter how desperate the situation, saving one life makes the ultimate difference. DeeAnn, Harley's foster mom, has included her personal account with Harley's amazing story and where he is now.Harley was found homeless and sick. He only had a 50% chance of survival. Now he is living a life of true happiness and contentment. Read More...

You can also read some of our older Happy Tails stories here

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This evening at 7:30, Henri got his first helicopter flight.At start up, he barked at the slow turning rotors overhead.Like he barks at windshield wipers in a car.After the blades increased speed to a blur, he calmed down.He was security restrained on the seat between us and ultimately stayed on Lindy's lap.After a short hover, we departed the heliport.Lindy watched him closely to see his reaction.He stayed transfixed at the view looking very content.We made an approach and landing at a small nearby airfield to further see his reaction on landing.He just stayed transfixed on the whole event.We are elated!He will next fly to Sanford airport about half hour each way.A big walk awaits at Sanford.On Saturday, he swam like a fish for some two hours.We even carefully tested his swimming prowess without his life jacket.To our amazement, he swam great.He will always have his life vest on anyway.But we couldn't believe how strong a swimmer he is!Hope you enjoy his after flight photos. Regards, Bob, Lindy & Henri


Hannah (Harmony) and Hazel are doing well. They are going for their 12 week vet visit today. Both are doing well with their training.


Lily (aka Heather) is doing very well. First visit to vet was on Monday night and she had two shots. Her checkup was fine and she goes back next week for a Lyme shot. Spaying won't be for another 2 months according to vet. She's extremely lively and lovable. She loves her toys, runs around the backyard, and loves to cuddle. We adore her! 


Hobie is doing great...He adjusted real well....he is wearing us out.....loves outside, especially the squirrells.....he walks 5 to 7 times around our circle which is 1/3 mile. He also has Rick outside quite a few times a day....We had him to the vet and they thought he was great.....I am attaching a couple of pics for you to see. Diane & Rick


Haze, whom we now call Heinz, is doing really well!  We saw such a huge difference in his personality after just a few days of settling in.  He has now found his place in our little pack and has learned to respect the kitties' space :)  He plays hard now with our bigger dog without fear but then settles down easily when play time is over.  He loves being outside in our big backyard now that spring has finally reached Ohio.
My daughter, Erin, is planning to take him to obedience class starting in mid April.
I have attached a few pictures to show you what a great life he has now.

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