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Last Updated:
1/2/2025 4:37 PM
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Animal Success Stories

Happy Tales

Every one of these Dachshunds has been rescued by an angel...

Harley's Brave Journey   Harley's Story is a great inspiration to AADR because it shows that no matter how desperate the situation, saving one life makes the ultimate difference. DeeAnn, Harley's foster mom, has included her personal account with Harley's amazing story and where he is now.Harley was found homeless and sick. He only had a 50% chance of survival. Now he is living a life of true happiness and contentment. Read More...

You can also read some of our older Happy Tails stories here

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Sammy number 4.....OH

Sammy is now Frankie. He wasn't really responding to Sammy, so we decided that maybe a new life called for a new name...so Frankie it is! Frankie is an absolutely joy. He's such a good little boy. He is the best snuggler. When we sit down anywhere, he cannot get to us fast enough. He gets onto the couch or chair and scrambles to snuggle in right next to us  or on one of our laps. I have started calling him an "agressive snuggler." Nothing is going to keep him from getting cozy. The pic of him sleeping on my lap is one of my favorites. He's just so precious. He also really likes the blankie that my mother-in-law made for him (in one of the pics).

Frankie has really taken to both me and my husband Brad. He usually follows me all over the house, and if Brad is in his recliner Frankie wants to be on the chair too. It's so sweet. He and Gia, our Italian Greyhound, are getting along very well. One of the pictures I have attached is of them napping together during a visit to my parents' house a couple of weeks ago. This was only about a week after we first brought Frankie home, so we are so happy that they became comfortable with each other very quickly. Gia really needed a buddy, and Frankie is the perfect little brother.

Frankie fits perfectly into our family and he makes us smile every day. We are so happy that he is ours. 


The newest member of our family is doing fine but we have given him a new name. Our first dachshund was called Phoenix so we wanted to keep the southwest tradition and are calling our new boy Tucson. He is a joy to watch and is very happy in his new home. He has adjusted well and has had no problems as far as health, eating, playing, or anything else as far as we can tell. He traveled out of town last week with us and rode in the car remarkably well, curling up on the seat and sleeping while the car was moving. He was already potty trained and has had no accidents. When we take him out after meals, he does his business, but he has not learned to go to the door and bark to let us know that he needs to go out. We will work on that and are sure that he will learn to let us know soon. We have attached some photos of Tucson. He is hard to photograph because for some reason he doesn't want to stand still for the camera.


From former alum Gibbs' mom "he's loving life!"


Caroline was originally adopted twice and returned. Finally, she was adopted by Susan who loved her dearly. Unfortunately, Susan passed away, but before she did she had already made arrangements for Caroline to have a forever home. Elizabeth adopted Caroline and sent this update on her. What a beautiful story. Thanks for checking on my girl! Caroline is doing great and has become one of the family!!! She had to get used to having 2 "step-brothers", but the three of them have learned to make it work (as long as the boys let Caroline have her way...LOL!). We couldn't imagine life without her.

Tater number....NY

Tater Bean -adopted end of June 2015 ... He's adjusting just wonderfully, loves the Big Apple, id a charmer and generous with hugs and kisses. He's doing great; AADR happy tail adoption

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