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9/22/2024 10:30 PM
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Animal Success Stories

Happy Tales

Every one of these Dachshunds has been rescued by an angel...

Harley's Brave Journey   Harley's Story is a great inspiration to AADR because it shows that no matter how desperate the situation, saving one life makes the ultimate difference. DeeAnn, Harley's foster mom, has included her personal account with Harley's amazing story and where he is now.Harley was found homeless and sick. He only had a 50% chance of survival. Now he is living a life of true happiness and contentment. Read More...

You can also read some of our older Happy Tails stories here

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This was received from Diane C. who welcomed Carmel (previously Caramel) into their home in June of 2012. Also pictured is Ramsey, adopted in 2012 through AADR. Diane wrote about Carmel -- "Also pictured with Gigi is Carmel's BFF...weren't sure at first. She is a sweetie! Carmel was fostered by Anne Williamson, and so she arrived by doggy train to her forever home in June 2012 after treatment for heart worm by Diane Irwin. She dislikes rain, snow, and wet feet, however she loves me to pamper her and carry her when weather is not to her liking. She also likes to lay on the deck in the sun.... She and Ramsey graduated from their crates for sleep and now sleep together on "Their" couch."


Cindy is doing very well. From the very first day, she acted as though she had always been with us. She is a perfect little girl, a real sweetie. We are so thankful to have her. Jimmy

Chance 2...TN

Here is my little girl lying on my legs. I love her so. Dan


Hi! We renamed Charo, Mercy. She is with me always and has gotten bigger. Her eyes have gotten bigger and brighter also. I can't take a picture right now; but she's just the cutest. I'm making plans to spay. She gets her nails cut tomorrow and some new chew toys. Her potty training is coming along. After she eats, she loves to run in circles. She has learned to sit, lay down, and retrieve a mini tennis ball; as well as open her kennel door, get through both doorway gates, and wake me up when she needs to potty at night. LOL Getting her to consistently come to me has been a challenge. She wants me to chase her sometimes, which I refuse to do. She's walking some on the leash, that will come better later when it's not so cold. I have no regrets. She's everything I wanted. Thanks to all of you at All American Dachsund Rescue!


We wanted to update you on Brutus and Bella, formerly known as Charlie and Carolina (Brutus has the black nose and Bella has the pink nose). As you know, I hadn’t wanted to get another dog after we lost our Amos, while my husband wanted to get 2 dogs. We came to a compromise and agreed to get one. As soon as I saw Bella’s picture on you website, I was in love, as she is a doppelganger for Amos. The minute we saw that she had a brother, my resolve to get only one dog disappeared. I couldn’t possibly take Bella and leave Brutus behind, so Brutus had not only a new home, but a place in our hearts right next to his sister. Its fun to look back at their ”baby” pictures, they almost don’t look like the same dogs. But no matter how big they get, you can see some things never change, they still cuddle with each other when they sleep. They just turned 7 months old on 5/5/2007, and they are doing great! They are pretty ornery, and there are days we think we should have named them Bonnie and Clyde instead, but puppies will be puppies. Bella is definitely the leader of the pack, where she goes, he follows, even if it gets him into trouble. She is the ”œadventurous” one, and will do anything and approach anyone. He is gentler, and loves to give kisses. Most of the time we have to stop him giving kisses because he gets so carried away you almost can’t breathe. They are very popular with all the neighbors. Our one set of neighbors has a 1 year old who loves to play with them. The second she gets in their back yard she starts calling out ”Puppies! Puppies!” and they are more than happy to fulfill her desire to pet them and give her kisses. Another neighbor brings treats out every time he sees them in the yard. And another calls Bella his girlfriend, which is fitting because she always wants to sit on his lap when he is here. Unfortunately, their feline brothers aren’t as enamored with them as the neighbor’s daughter. The cats take an attitude of ”œif you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone.” Poor Bella would like nothing more than for her kitty cat brothers to play with her though, which usually ends with her getting a good swat. We thought they would get along, the cats never minded Amos. But then again, Amos was 19, slept most of the day, and had no illusions about the cats being a chew toy. Speaking of toys, no matter how many we buy them, their favorite by far is the fuzzy blue rooster their foster mom sent with them. I could go on for pages telling you about how wonderful they are, and how much joy they bring to us, but I will restrain myself. Just suffice to say we are very grateful to have them and all your organization does to rescue these beautiful dogs. Enjoy the pictures. Thanks Again, Angela Kidder

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