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Last Updated:
3/4/2025 6:13 PM
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DONNIE...NYC's Web Page

Dachshund  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Young  : :  Small

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  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: www.ssdr.org
NAME...............................................DONNIE DACHSHUND................................PURE/TWEENIE COAT...............................................SMOOTH COLOR...........................................RED AGE.................................................6-8 MOS GENDER.......................................MALE/NEUTERED WEIGHT........................................10 LBS ADOPTION FEE..........................275.00+10.00 chip fee contact nelsoka@auburn.edu BEING FOSTERED WITH 1.5 HOURS ATLANTA, GA DONNIE came in with Price and Lonnie from AL. Brought in as a stray but we belive the woman that brought them in was just dumping them. They smelled and had internal parasites and had Sarcoptic Mange but after an extended stay at the vet's office they are now free of the Mange and ready to go to their new homes. DONNIE is very sweet loves to play and give kisses and be loved on. He gets along with everything. Very very sweet!! He is potty trained to paper or puppy pads so will need further work with housetraining but he's eager to please. They are all on Heartgard and Frontline. If you are interested in DONNIE please go to www.ssdr.org and fill out an online adoption application and be sure to put his name on the app. If you have more question for the foster mom just e mail her at the above address. Out of state and Canadian adoptions are welcome and a home visit is required. We also micro chip all our dogs and must pass the cost on to the adopter. It is only $10.00. Thank you for your interested in a rescue.

AADR does not recommend dachshunds for families with children under 5, or families planning to have children during the dog's lifetime. Dachshunds are often not patient with little kids, and kids can accidentally hurt a dachshund's back or get bitten.

Please don't let the distance stand in your way of finding your newest best friend. We have volunteers that will help your "new friend" get up and down the East Coast and mid-west. We just can't get them from one coast to the other. For now, please look for dogs on your coast.


Other Pictures of DONNIE...NYC (click to see larger version):