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3/4/2025 6:13 PM
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Bridgette Blue Eyes' Web Page

Dachshund (short coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Young  : :  Small

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About Bridgette Blue Eyes

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: OA11192B68
  • General Color: Tricolor (Tan/Brown & Black & White)
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
NAME: Bridgette Blue Eyes
AGE: Born 05/17/06, almost 3 yr.
WEIGHT: 13 lbs (she could stand to loose a pound or two of post-maternity weight)
COLOR: Piebald/dapple
COAT: short and smooth
UP TO DATE: UTD on all shosts
SPAYED/NEUTERED: Spaying to be done in April 2009
Adoption fee: $275. plus $10 chip fee
HOUSETRAINED: Yes, when kept to a schedule.
HOME W/ OTHER DOGS: Yes, all sizes
HOME W/ CATS: Unknown
MICROCHIP #: Not inserted yet
FOSTER HOME:Berlin, VT 05641 kylefaye0426@yahoo.com
Bridgette Blue Eyes is a registered dachshund with the American Canine Association and the American Kennel Club. Her birthdate is 05/17/2006. Don't let her pedigreed fool you, this little lady thinks nothing of rolling over for a good belly rub! Bridgette is healthy and her blue eyes have had no effect on her sight. She could stand to loose a couple of post-maternity pounds, but she is an absolutely lovely dog. Bridgette weighs about 13 lbs. so she is at the cusp of being a mini or a tweenie. She is a quiet little girl with no agressiveness at all. She gets along well with other dogs, larger or smaller. She is getting used to a leash and waiting her turn for treats. Bridgette came to AADR from a breeder who was closing up her business. Bridgette's litter was born 8 months ago. You can tell she has had puppies, but she is not a saggy girl. She is in great shape and just loves attention and, of course, those belly rubs.

Out of State and Canadian adopters are welcome. We do not ship our dogs cargo. You will have to make arrangements to pick up the dog or for them to go by ground transport. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN A RESCUE.

More about Bridgette Blue Eyes

Good with Dogs

AADR does not recommend dachshunds for families with children under 5, or families planning to have children during the dog's lifetime. Dachshunds are often not patient with little kids, and kids can accidentally hurt a dachshund's back or get bitten.

Please don't let the distance stand in your way of finding your newest best friend. We have volunteers that will help your "new friend" get up and down the East Coast and mid-west. We just can't get them from one coast to the other. For now, please look for dogs on your coast.


Other Pictures of Bridgette Blue Eyes (click to see larger version):

Bridgette Blue Eyes Bridgette Blue Eyes